FEMA Financial Assistance Program


The Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) is providing financial assistance for families that incurred COVID-19 related funeral expenses beginning January 20, 2020.  One requirement for application is a certified death certificate attributing the death directly or indirectly to COVID-19.  More information about benefits and application requirements may be found on the FEMA website 

https://www.fema.gov/disasters/coronavirus/economic/funeral-assistance   or by calling the application line 844-684-6333. 

Below is a link to a one page handout that was shared with funeral homes as a resource for families.

643411bd-3468-48fa-8114-7a00475a65ba.pdf (constantcontact.com)

FEMA guidelines are subject to change, particularly surrounding the eligibility for financial assistance when insurance or pre-need funding was utilized in paying for funeral expenses.  The FEMA direct line will remain the best resource for addressing these specific questions. 

FEMA has acknowledged that in some cases a family  may need to have a death certificate amended in order to qualify for this assistance program.  For those families, the following fact sheet from the Massachusetts Registry of Vital Records and Statistics may be helpful. It details the steps involved in this process and who may initiate the request.

download (mass.gov)

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